Friday, May 25, 2007

We're Back....

Today we flew out of Glasgow for Isle of Lewis where we have rented a house for the week  Decca Cottage We walked down the the beach area and suffered the cold wind and a little bit of driving rain which would have is where we are staying. just been a bit of a soft day if there wasn't a 30 mph wind blowing the rain through our clothes. (Hannah). It really wasn't bad though, just a bit cold.

The Glaswegians kept rolling their eyes and shaking their heads at us when we told them where we were going. Even my Dad predicted that we would be really bored but so far that is not the case. Meg, Terry and Hannah should cover the rolling of eyes topic
on the blog ( next chance they get.

The drive up from Stornoway to Ness reminded me of Kansas a little. The rolling hills were not unlike those near Wichita. We are in full oooh and ahhh mode now. The only issues are those of connectivity. Someone nearby has unsecured wifi but we only get two bars in the house so we can't connect, which may make it difficult to post with any regularity this week.

I've always loved wild places and as domesticated as this place is it still
retains the wildness around the edges. I've mixed in some pictures to prove it
and more links follow.

(Cairn and cliffs at Butt of Lewis)

(Cliffs Flowers Surf at Butt of Lewis)

(cliffs at Butt of Lewis)

(Eoropie Beach Crashing Waves)

(Terry at Eoropie Beach)

(Meg at Eoropie Beach)

I was there too but I took the pictures so...

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