Tuesday, May 29, 2007

From along the A857 Stornabaugh parked along the curb across from the Lifeboats store.

29th May 2008 Various sites down the west coast of Lewis yesterday

We saw a lot of Lewis yesterday. Two Blackhouse sites, a Norse mill and kiln, Whalebone arch (Wife says, "You need to do something with that damned whale bone or get it out of here"), found wifi in a hotel, visited a gallery, had an adventure in the grocery store with two pounds of chinese streaky pork (what IS that they put on it). I saw so much stuff yesterday my head is till spinning. Today is a rest day since most of our clothing is in the laundry with the land lady.

I plan to maybe walk up to St. Moulag's church today. I haven't been out by myself at all since I've been here so today I'll go walkabout. Maybe I'll work on Maxine today. Hey, don't laugh. It could happen.

It's a windy cold rainy day out there. Much more what I expected to find here than the last four glorious sunshine filled days. Granted a cloud would gradually swing in and rain on us but it was never for long. Today's weather looks like an all day long drippy kind of day.








Dun Carloway Broch 1

Dun Carloway Broch 2

Dun Carloway Broch 3





1 comment:

Heather Snow said...

Maxine's not planning to develop a lilting Scottish brogue, is she? I wouldn't blame her - don't we all come back from vacation sporting a little accent?

Glad to hear you're having such a great trip. I love sharing through your thoughts and photos! Hope the rest is all that you've dreamed of.